Process for New Member Recommendations

The annual new member recruitment will be selective and limited to four to six new members. Our goal is to connect with top women executives in the region to develop and maintain an intimacy among us based on a few high-impact gatherings each year. To that end, we believe accepting a small group of new members each year would be the most meaningful and impactful way to build relationships.

It is important to recognize that when you recommend a potential new member, the woman not only needs to meet our minimum requirements, as outlined in the Membership Criteria but is also a woman who you believe is a perfect candidate who has demonstrated a visible commitment to our community and on whom you would stake your reputation as the nominator.

The process is as follows:

1. Complete the New Member Recommendation Form and attach a resume or bio.  Do NOT include any letters of recommendation.

2. Submit to CWEF via email at

a. You may submit recommendations starting in September up to the deadline of March 31.

3. The Membership Committee will review recommendations from April 1 through May 30. New member selections will be submitted by the Membership Committee for approval to the Board of Directors

4. Notification of acceptance and non‐acceptance will be delivered by June 30 to the person making the

5. Notification to new members will be delivered by July along with an invitation to our Annual Meeting
for August.

Our expectation is that throughout the process of recommending and communicating acceptance or non‐acceptance of new members, we maintain the utmost confidentiality.

Timeline for New Membership Recommendations

September through March 31 General Membership may submit recommendations to Membership Committee.
April 1 through May 30 Membership Committee will review recommendations and present candidates for membership to Board of Directors
June Notify Members who made recommendations as to acceptance or non‐
acceptance. Send letters of invitation to join CWEF to accepted member
nominees and copy to member who submitted recommendation.
July Send out invitations for Annual Meeting/Summer Reception of new members.
August Annual Meeting/Summer Reception.
August 31 Deadline for membership dues payment from new members

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